How do you make a 3D Gallery?

There are multiple ways to make a 3D gallery. First it's good to know how an automatic 3D gallery is been made.

Automatic generation of a 3D gallery

  1. First we check if you have a gallery configured with the path ‘3dspace.’

  2. If you do not have a ‘3dspace’ gallery created, we check if you have set a featured gallery.

  3. If you do not have a “featured gallery” we display your “created” NFTs.

  4. If you did not create any NFTs, we check your “owned” NFTs.

How do you create a 3D gallery?

1. Log in with your account.

2. Press '=' in the top-right corner of your screen.

3. Choose 'Manage' and then 'Galleries'.

4. Click 'Featured' on 'Manage gallery'.

5. Choose 'New…'

6. Change the Gallery Name to '3dspace'

7. Change the URL Path to 3dspace'

8 Choose the NFT’s you want to show in your gallery [They show up on right and become green]

9. When you're finished press 'save changes'.

If It doesn't work:

If you keep getting errors, you can go to our troubleshoot section or contact us on our telegram or Discord.

Last updated