How do you navigate an NFT in VR?

Only NFTs that have been minted in 3D file types (.gltf, .obj, fbx) are able to be shown in 3D or in VR. These NFTs have specifically been created for 3D or VR. It's not possible to show a .jpg/.png in 3D directly. NFTs that can be shown in 3D have a ‘3D symbol’ in the top-right corner of the NFT. For you to be able to use VR, you also need a VR headset such as the Meta Quest 2.

If you would like to see NFTs in 3D instead, you can go to this page.

How to see a 3D NFT in VR?

1. Go to the NFT you want to see in 3D or VR.

2. On the bottom-left of the NFT press on ‘Show 3D’ (remember this is only showable on NFTs that are 3D/VR compatible)

3. On the bottom-left of the NFT press on ‘VR’. (you might see a popup asking for permission to use VR devices and data; press ‘allow’ or else the VR device won't work)

4. Put on the VR headset, if it's not already on.

Movement in VR (based on Meta Quest 2 / Oculus Rift)

  • With your ‘left thumbstick’ you can walk to the left and right.

  • With your 'right thumbstick' you can pan your view to the left and right. And you can walk to the front and back.

Extra options in 3D/VR

You can change settings in the browser and it will update directly in VR.

1. You can turn off and on the sky by clicking in the box with the word sky. If you see the ‘V’ symbol it means it is turned on.

2. You can switch to another sky by clicking on the window next to the sky.

3. You can switch the room off and on by clicking in the box with the word 'Room.'

4. You can switch the background quickly to black or white by clicking on the white or black box.

5. You can switch on or off the animation by clicking the box with the word 'Loop.'

Last updated