What are diamonds?
While Twitter has hearts and Facebook has 'likes,' DeSo also has two main mechanisms to like others' posts. Like with Twitter, users are able to give heart to posts they appreciate, but unlike Twitter DeSo offers another form of "liking" a user's post. Diamonds can be rewarded to a post on the DeSo blockchain, and there are 8 levels of diamonds a user can choose to give a post. Giving a diamond costs the giver $DeSo and acts as a monetary reward (tip) for the poster.
Diamonds are broken down into 8 different levels, starting at .0005 $Deso for a 1-diamond reward and going all the way up to 500 $Deso for an 8-diamond reward.
On many nodes, Diamonds by the post's creator are used to rank comments under a post. Therefore if you make a post and then give diamonds to several different comments on your post, those comments will be ranked higher than comments you did not give a diamond to. Higher diamond levels are typically ranked higher than lower diamond levels in the comment section of a post.
Ways to earn diamonds:
Making daily Posts, including NFT posts and memes.
Commenting on other users' posts.
Diamonds are just one way to earn $Deso on Deso. It's a way of natively providing tips and monetary rewards to those posts and posters that you really enjoy.
Last updated