How to set up analytics for your zone?
NFTz allows you to use Google Analytics to track traffic and interactions within your zone. You can add your Google Analytics tracking code within the settings page on NFTz. Below you will find the complete steps for setting up and beginning to track your analytics.
1) Head on over to and click on "Get Started Today" on the top right, if you don't already have a Google Analytics account. Otherwise click on "Sign in to Analytics."
2) If you already know how to use Google Analytics skip to step #9. Otherwise proceed in order.
3) Choose an account name, and press "next".
4) Enter "Property name" (e.g. my nftz me). Click "next"
5) Fill out "Business information" (not important), and click "Create."
6) Read and accept the terms of service.
7) Choose "web" as your platform.
8) Enter your zone url (e.g. and stream name (e.g. my zone) and click on "Create stream."
9) Copy the "Measurement ID" from your analytics stream.
10) Click on "Settings" on (after you are logged in). Then input your "Measurement ID" under "zone analytics" and click on "save."
Thats it! Now your zone analytics should be tracking and you should be able to follow these analytics from your Google Analytics account.
Last updated