What do all my Tabs mean on my personal page?

At your mobile phone its possible to swipe the tabs from left to right. At your PC it will be shown full screen.


Your own page where you decide what to show.


All your NFT's which you ever have ever created on the DeSo blockchain (minus the hidden / burned NFTs).

For Sale

All your NFTs which you have either created or collected that are currently open for bidding or 'buy now" by you on the DeSo blockchain.


All your NFT's that you have ever sold on the DeSo blockchain.


All the NFT's that you currently own on the DeSo blockchain.


All NFT's bought at least once and are currently open for bidding or 'buy now' again on the DeSo blockchain.

Sort By

Here you can sort your NFTs by different fields such as 'most recent' or 'Low buy Price'


You can see all posts by this creator that has been posted on the Deso blockchain.

Last updated